The young man Nobuyuki Mukaizaka (played by Yuta Tamamori) accidentally clicked on a blog called "Rain Tree Country" while browsing the web, and met the blog manager Hitomi (played by Maria Nishiuchi). Coincidentally, Hitomi is not only the same age as Mukaizaka, but also lives in the same city. In this way, the two began to exchange emails, and their feelings quickly heated up. Mukaizaka really wanted to meet this like-minded friend in reality, but Hitomi hesitated because she had a secret-Hitomi suffered from sensorineural hearing loss. Unable to withstand Mukaizaka's soft and hard grinding, with a nervous mood, Hitomi and Mukaizaka finally met. However, the first date of the two was not perfect. Hitomi's various weird behaviors made Mukaizaka feel very irritated. In the end, he couldn't help his temper and got angry at Hitomi, and Hitomi revealed the hearing aid worn on his ear.