Saburo (Oguri Shun), a 21st century Japanese high school student, accidentally traveled through time and space and came to the turbulent Warring States Period. For some reason, Oda Nobunaga, who looks exactly like him, exchanged identities with him. From then on, Saburo walked the Warring States Period with the honor of a generation of overlords. After countless hardships, he gradually gained the trust and love of his retainers, and Saito Dosan's daughter Kicho (Shibasaki Yuki) seemed to have a deeper affection for him. However, when he learned that his death was approaching, Saburo was hit hard, and history seemed irreversible. At the same time, Hashiba Hideyoshi (Yamada Takayuki) and the real Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide (Oguri Shun), conspired to destroy the hegemony of the Sixth Heavenly Demon King. The so-called Honnoji Incident is approaching day by day, and the fate of Saburo and the fate of Sengoku have reached the moment of final decision... This film is adapted from the original manga by Ishii Ayumi, which ranked 7th in the list of "Highly Recommended by Bookstore Clerks Nationwide in 2012". In 2014, Fuji TV launched a live-action Japanese drama to commemorate the 55th anniversary of its launch. This film is the movie version of the drama.