Daxiong (played by Peter Ho), an honest and dull otaku IT office worker, has been extremely unlucky in recent days. In reality, he was hit by the car door of the rich second-generation girl Xiaoai (played by Jing Tian), and then he was treated as a runaway who ate a free meal. He had no money to eat, was fired from his job, and was slaughtered at the table tennis. In short, he suffered all the bad luck that could be imagined. However, he met Xiaoai because of this and inexplicably became her slave. Under Xiaoai's arrangement, Daxiong found a new job, but at work he found that his boss Emma looked exactly like Xiaoai. His life became more and more interesting... This film is adapted from the online novel of the same name, and won the Best Debut Award at the 6th Beijing University Student Film Festival, the Best Director Award at the 6th Indian International Children's Film Festival, and the Silver Kite Award for the Best Children's Feature Film in the "Overview Panorama" (Feature Film) category at the 1st Argentina International Children and Youth Film Festival.