This is a story that spans thousands of years. Kunisaki Watarito (voiced by Daisuke Ono), a young man who makes a living by performing puppets, walks to a small seaside town. The wandering Watarito has been looking for the "girl in the sky", which is what Watarito's mother had always said to him before she died. It turns out that such a story is circulating. The girl with wings is regarded as a symbol of misfortune and is locked in a dark room all day long until she meets the destined boy. The two fell in love, but this love affair was not allowed. So the girl was cursed and fell into reincarnation. Watarito met the girl Kamio Kanrin (voiced by Rinko Kawakami) in the town. Kanrin, who is weak and sick, is very similar to the girl in the legend. And their meeting is like the legend a thousand years ago, and the gears of reincarnation have begun to operate endlessly again... This film is adapted from the famous game of the same name by Key Club, and there is also a theatrical animation of the same name.