The story takes place in the famous Ayanagi Academy, a hotbed for new stars in the music and entertainment industry. Among all the subjects, the "music subject" is at the top of the pyramid, and the "Kaokukai" composed of top third-year students is a sacred existence that students can only dream of. It is said that those chosen by the leader of the Kaokukai, Feng Shu (voiced by Junichi Suwabe), will receive his "special guidance" and be sent to an immeasurable future. The newcomer Yuta Hoshitani (voiced by Natsuki Hanae), the shy and stage-frightened Toru Nayuki (voiced by Kensho Ono), the talented but impulsive Tsukio Kaito (voiced by Arthur Lonsbury), the taciturn Tenkaji Sho (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya), and the kind-hearted Kusukio Sou (voiced by Tomoaki Maeno) have unlimited potential, but because of their own reasons, they have become losers. The appearance of Feng Shu has changed their fate.