Arisugawa Jinno (played by Nakajo Ayami) and Sakaki Momo (played by Ozeki Yuta) are childhood friends, and they have a very good relationship. Sakaki Momo's family owes a huge debt. In order to avoid the creditors, Sakaki Momo's family decided to flee overnight. Jinno was very reluctant to let Sakaki Momo leave, and the two made a promise that one day, Sakaki Momo would definitely find her again by following her singing. Sakaki Momo's departure made Jinno fall into sadness. At this juncture, a boy named Yuzu (played by Shison Jun) appeared beside Jinno. Yuzu patiently comforted and encouraged Jinno, so that Jinno gradually regained the strength to continue living. However, one day, Yuzu suddenly lost contact with Sakaki Momo, but this time, Jinno did not despair. She sang the ballad, waiting for the day to meet her old friend again.