The story revolves around four young people living in Berlin, Germany, and tells the story of their speed and passion for racing. Katie (Erin Cahill) runs a car repair shop left to her by her father. Whenever night comes, it becomes a secret base for racers from all walks of life. Speed is tantamount to Katie's entire life, and the feeling of rapid racing allows her to forget the pain of losing her loved ones. Mike (Andrew W. Walker), an American boy who delivers pizza on a bicycle, has been an orphan since childhood. He never thought that racing would enter his life and change everything about him. Rookie policeman Eric (Joe Beattie) accidentally became a street racer, but his embarrassing identity put him in a dilemma. The wealthy young woman Nicole (Alexia Barlier) is fascinated by street racing and starts her racing journey with the help of Katie. These four young people who persevere in their ideals have come together for a common goal. They are proving the value of life with speed and passion.