"Hakuouki Reimeiro" is a story that takes place before "Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan". The time and space background is set before the Shinsengumi and Chizuru met, when the Shinsengumi was born. Ryunosuke, whose mother died of illness, lost the spiritual support of life and wandered around aimlessly. He was robbed by the ronin of the pro-king and anti-foreign faction who were going to Kyoto and became penniless. Ryunosuke, who had no food and no money, met Serizawa Kamo on his way to Kyoto when he was about to starve to death. Ryunosuke, who was picked up, acted with Serizawa Kamo involuntarily. Their residence was the base of the murder group that was later called "Shinsengumi". Although Ryunosuke hated samurai very much because of his growth, after contacting those who worked hard to become samurai and understanding their goals and dreams, Ryunosuke's stubborn heart began to change. What kind of samurai do they yearn for in their hearts? Where is the path to their goal? This is the story of an unknown boy in the turmoil of the end of the shogunate... 【STAFF】Supervisor: Tamashiro Original Project and Composition Supervisor: Fujisawa Tsukiyoshi Original Character Project: Kazuoki Dawn Record Animation Character Design: Atsuko Nakajima Animation Production: StudioDEEN【CAST】Ibuki Ryunosuke: Sekichi Hijikata Tsuzo : Miki Shinichiro Okita Tsubasa: Morikubo Shotaro Saitoichi: Toriumi Kosuke Toudou Heisuke: Yoshino Hiroyuki Harada Sanosuke: Yusa Koji Serizawa Duck: Nakata Kaji OP: "Reimei-Reimei-" - Kurosaki Maone (released on 8/8) ED: mao (released on 8/8)