From the outside, bee Barry B. Bison (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld) is no different from other partners, but he has his own ideas about the future. After graduating from college, he and his classmates were assigned to the Hive Industries Company and became a worker bee who could only work hard and collect honey all his life. Barry was unwilling to live a life where he could see the future at a glance, but he seemed powerless to reverse the situation. During his first honey-collecting trip, Barry encountered a series of accidents and nearly lost his life countless times. He eventually settled in the home of the beautiful girl Vanessa (played by Renée Zellweger) and became good friends with Vanessa. By chance, Barry discovered that the honey obtained by the hard work of the bees was "stolen" by humans, which made him very angry. He decided to take action to protect the fruits of the bees...