Jasmine Gyuh's comic work "Back Street Girls" has officially announced the news of a live-action movie adaptation after the previous animation adaptation. The three "female protagonists" of the live-action movie are played by Shirasu Jin, Masaki Reiya, and Hanazawa Masato. Okamoto Natsumi, Asakawa Rina, etc. will also play roles in this film. The story of "Back Street Girls" describes three gangsters of the underworld organization, Kentaro Yamamoto, Ryo Tachibana, and Kazuya Sugihara. Because they made a mistake, they were ordered by the boss of the organization to change their gender and become female idol singers to make money for the boss. The three wanted to refuse at first, but they accepted this condition because they didn't want to die. But they didn't expect that after they became idol singers, they actually became popular and had many fans! But they are still iron men in their hearts, and they are very distressed every day.