Han Ji-young (Lee Soo-kyung), a rich girl, meets a man named Yoo Sun-woo (Ahn Jae-wook). Yoo Sun-woo is handsome and elegant, which makes Han Ji-young gradually unload her heart for him. She firmly believes that Yoo Sun-woo, the CEO of an art curatorial company, approaches her because of true love and not because of her wealth. However, this time, Han Ji-young is wrong, because in fact, Yoo Sun-woo is a big liar who has no money in his pocket. He approaches Han Ji-young for only one purpose, that is, to get the priceless painting "Tears of Karatiya" that she owns. However, what makes Yoo Sun-woo very angry is that every time his plan is about to succeed, a woman named Song Hye (Kang Hye-jung) will jump out to disrupt the situation.