The film is adapted from the true story of Christian Stafford, the former CEO of French PSA Peugeot Citroën. The film tells the story of a strict workaholic president, Stafford, who had an unexpected stroke when he woke up from a nap in the office. His language ability and memory were damaged, and he was fired by the company without warning. After a long period of rehabilitation, he not only regained his family life, but also completed a 50-day, 1,500-kilometer pilgrimage, which gave him a calm and new understanding of life. Today, he has returned to work and serves as the vice chairman of the board of directors of the world's top three airlines. After such ups and downs in life, he completed his autobiography "Courage: The Life of the President of PSA Peugeot Citroën from the Peak to Zero" in recent years, which became a popular bestseller in France that year and also became a rehabilitation inspirational book strongly recommended by the French medical community.