Jack Kevorkian (Al Pacino), a gray-haired doctor, is a controversial doctor in Michigan, USA. In his decades of career, he has witnessed countless people suffering from illness, but they can't live or die. Jack firmly believes that the doctor's duty is not only to do his best to treat patients, but also to put himself in the shoes of patients and meet their needs, including their desire for death. Therefore, Jack tried to euthanize patients who had lost hope in life. However, his approach was unanimously opposed by the general public. People accused him of depriving patients of their lives and gave him the nickname "Doctor Death". In this process, only his sister Marg (Brenda Vaccaro) and a few friends silently supported Jack's work. In the face of tremendous pressure, Jack never showed any signs of retreat. He knew the pain of his patients, so he would not hesitate to be imprisoned to help them get rid of it...