Inukaiichi (Matsumura Hokuto), a fourth-year student at Saikyo Medical University, is affiliated with the Forensic Medicine Laboratory of Xingmi, and is an associate professor Kiriyama Yuki (Nakama Yuki). The talented しかもだがわがままなユキは, Inukai を"ワンコ" とHUび, こき使うstart and end で….そんな fold, luck in the sudden death of したKamoto Masaharu's body, luck in the movement. Traffic accidents, accidents, accidents, accidents, and death. In the car, there is a syringe for diabetes in the car, a criminal, Murakami Mamoru (Tanabe Seiichi), and a 6-7-year-old boy.そこから捜看线に上した男児にAbduction suspicionが――.ユキがそんなEventにpickんでいたhectare, Kawaraにstopまっている车から, 无伦の噂があっKawagoe Katsuhisa, a professor at Hokubayashi University, and his secretary, Ami Aita, are still there. Acidified carbon poisoning is the treatment of the heart and the treatment of the heart, the treatment of the poisoning of the acidified carbon, the treatment of the Kaolin Kasumi (new celery), and the no trial of the remains of the water.だがcriminalは「incidentalはない」とanatomyをidentificationめず….