In a bustling metropolis, lives an ordinary office worker Murasaki Wakako (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro). At the age of 26, she is kind and easy-going at work, serious and responsible, of course, sometimes she has to take the blame for her colleagues and can't refute it. The nine-to-five work is boring and heavy, but fortunately there is a happy time after work. Generally speaking, after leaving the company, the single Wakako is not in a hurry to rush home, but deliberately takes a long detour to wander around the small streets lined with restaurants, sometimes entering a frequent restaurant to taste the delicious food, and sometimes challenging new dishes by intuition. After the appetite is satisfied, she will comfortably let out a "puff" sound. People can't help but want to sit next to Wakako and have a drink with this girl who enjoys life... This film is adapted from the original manga by Chie Niku.