The story mainly tells about Gao Zhenhe (played by Ren Youlun), a masked and sinister jewel hunter, who accidentally fell into the primitive tribe Xinghe and was rescued by the female leader of the tribe Xingyue (played by Zhang Yaqin). Xingyue brought Gao Zhenhe back to the tribe, wanting him to be her man. In order to cheat the Xingxing Stone, Gao Zhenhe pretended to marry Xingyue and escaped afterwards. Xingyue, who hopes to find him and the Xingxing Stone, came to the big city alone and met Yi Tian (played by Chen Xijun), Shana (played by Yu Chen), Qin Shu (played by Jiang Peng) and others, which triggered a series of funny and funny stories.