Hayasaka Shirakari (voiced by Yamada Yu) is an ordinary high school student. With the ultimate goal of getting into her ideal university, she rushes between school and cram school every day. By chance, Shirakari met Koizumi Ryouji (voiced by Hamada Kenji), a student of fashion design at Yazawa Art College who has a very bad personality, is arrogant and arrogant. "Come and be my model," Ryouji said something that stunned Shirakari. Through Ryouji, Shirakari met a group of interesting friends. The simple and innocent Koda Miwako (voiced by Matsumoto Marika); the guitarist Nagase Arashi (voiced by Mizutani Shunsuke) who looks unruly on the surface, but is actually very dedicated and reliable; and Isabella (voiced by Yamamoto Daisuke) who has a girlish heart in a manly body. In the process of getting along with these friends, Shirakari gradually found her life goal. At the same time, she and Ryouji also developed a lingering relationship.