Although Negi (voiced by Rina Sato) is only 10 years old, his powerful magic ability makes him capable of teaching at Mahora Academy. However, Negi, who is somewhat shy and inexperienced, is it really okay for him to face 31 older, pure and lovely girls in the class? Beside every magician, there is a warrior who protects him. The two must sign a contract to share life and death. Negi, who has never been accompanied by a warrior, unexpectedly signed a contract with his student, the giant girl Kagurazaka Asuna (voiced by Akemi Kanda) by mistake. In addition, the appearance of the intelligence expert Asakura Kazumi (voiced by Ayana Sasagawa), the literary girl Ayase Yui (voiced by Natsuko Kuwatani), and the onmyoji Konoe Munoka (voiced by Konoe Munoka), these girls, also added a joy to Negi's thrilling life.