During World War II, a graduate student of the Moscow Film Academy named Dimitri (played by Alexander Mercury) was fortunate to receive an order from the great leader Comrade Stalin to follow the reconnaissance company led by Novikov (played by Robert Gwilym) to the front line as a war photographer. His lens recorded the moments of leisure of the soldiers and the scenes of fierce fighting on the battlefield, and of course the evil and bestial side of these soldiers who lost their humanity in the baptism of war. In a cold and freezing season, the reconnaissance company received a distress call from the code-named Bear Tiger 303 team, and Novikov led the team to the remote mining area where the other party was located. Who knew that the scene there shocked everyone. The local area was full of corpses and almost uninhabited, as if it had just experienced several tragic battles not long ago. The terrifying zombies that suddenly appeared from time to time threatened the safety of the reconnaissance company. What kind of tragedy had happened here?