Max Brogan (Harrison Ford), who works for the Los Angeles Immigration and Customs Enforcement, arrested a young Mexican smuggled woman Maria (Alice Braga) during a raid on a garment factory. The woman asked him to help take care of her son. Claire (Alice Eve), an Australian girl who entered the United States on a tourist visa, had to become the short-term mistress of Cole Frankel (Ray Liotta), an immigration officer in Los Angeles, in order to obtain a green card in a short period of time and realize her dream of becoming a Hollywood star, which made her boyfriend Gavin (Jim Sturgess) very angry. Cole's wife Denise (Ashley Judd) is dealing with a suspected terrorist deportation case. A 15-year-old Muslim girl Taslima (Summer Bishil) was arrested for sympathizing with the 9/11 hijackers. At the same time, Max's friend, policeman Hamid (Cliff Curtis), is in deep family crisis, but faces the choice of whether to give a Korean immigrant a new life opportunity in a convenience store robbery...