The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. Due to the rebellion of the Three Feudatories, internal and external troubles, the Qing government was in turmoil. Thirty years later, the seventh prince Yinreng (played by Ma Jingtao) became the crown prince under the careful cultivation of Emperor Kangxi (played by Liu Dekai). Although the father and son often had disputes over current affairs, the emperor still had the confidence to train him to be the heir to the throne of the Qing Dynasty. The eldest prince, the fourth prince (played by Zhao Hongfei), and the eighth prince (played by Huang Leixin) are eager to covet the throne. They are surrounded by powerful supporters. In addition, the complex factors of the long-term party struggle between the important ministers Mingzhu (played by Xu Min) and Suo Etu (played by Zheng Tianyong) have caused Yinreng to be surrounded by a life-and-death competition. The former Ming prince Zhu Cihuan (played by Gao Ming) was reported by Mu Tianyan (played by Li Guohua). The fourth prince sold out his confidante for profit. One after another, the tragedies of the human world who plotted for the throne were staged from time to time. Finally, the long-standing grievances between Kangxi and Yinreng broke out...