In the sunny city of Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, Norio Koike (played by Kiichi Nakai), an antique dealer with a bad reputation in the industry, drove through the streets and alleys with his daughter Mari (played by Aoi Morikawa). He found a family according to the guidance of fate and negotiated with the owner about the purchase of antiques in the family collection. Among a pile of imitations, Koike accidentally discovered a dream treasure that the tea ceremony master Sen Rikyu gave to others before his death and there was no record in the history books. Koike was overjoyed, and at the same time suppressed his excitement and prepared to pick up leaks, but he never thought that he would fall into the antique bureau set up by the impoverished potter Noda Sasuke (played by Kuranosuke Sasaki). As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. These two men with somewhat similar destinies hit it off and decided to work together to fabricate Rikyu's desperate treasures and make a fortune. They not only have to display their talents, but also challenge the fly-and-dog scum who are mixed in the antique world...