Tachibana Jing (Nana Komatsu) is a 17-year-old female high school student. Unlike other girls of the same age, Tachibana Jing is calm beyond her age and a little indifferent. In her spare time, Tachibana works in a family restaurant. The store manager Kondo Masaki (Yo Oizumi) is Tachibana Jing's boss. Masaki is a sloppy middle-aged man. He is confused and somewhat natural, and he often makes Tachibana Jing blush and heartbeat unintentionally. Yes, Tachibana Jing fell in love with this man who is more than 20 years older than her. Even though Masaki had been married and had a child, Tachibana Jing still couldn't resist his attraction, and Masaki seemed to be unaware of Tachibana Jing's surging feelings. Once, Tachibana Jing was the ace of the school track and field team, but chose to quit for unknown reasons. Masaki, who learned of this information, began to encourage Tachibana Jing to regain her hobby of running.