From all aspects, Ayase Yuto (voiced by Hatano Wataru), who is studying at the high school of Shiraki Academy, is an extremely ordinary boy. He has an ordinary appearance, ordinary grades, ordinary sports, and even ordinary taste in girls. Therefore, when the super perfect young lady Haruka Nogaki (voiced by Mamiko Noto), a classmate and campus idol, appeared in front of him, Yuto was not convinced by Haruka's charm. On the contrary, he felt that this girl who was excellent in all aspects always had an unspeakable weirdness. Yuto's intuition was very sharp, and by chance, he discovered Haruka's secret. It turned out that this noble-looking daughter was actually an out-and-out otaku, and Haruka and her group of weird friends were interested in making fan works related to magical girls! This secret quickly narrowed the distance between Haruka and Yuto, and also opened up their romantic relationship.