The film is based on the 1964 novel of the same name by American novelist Christopher Isherwood. The story takes place in Los Angeles, California, USA on November 30, 1962. Middle-aged English professor George Falconer (Colin Firth) is immersed in the shadow of the death of his same-sex partner Jim (Matthew Goode) in a car accident with whom he has lived for 16 years and is unable to extricate himself. He carefully prepares to commit suicide. The film records George's activities from morning to night, including his study and teaching, dealing with his relationship with student Kenny (Nicholas Hoult), and attending a private dinner with his old lover Charlotte (Julian Moore) in London. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor (Colin Firth), a BAFTA Award for Best Costume Design and Best Actor, a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress (Julianne Moore) and Best Original Film Score, and a Venice Film Festival Golden Lion Award nomination and Best Actor.