A long time ago, Toyama Kasumi (voiced by Terakawa Aimi) once felt the intense emotions gushing out of her chest when she looked up at the starry sky. After a long time, Kasumi tried to regain this throbbing feeling, but unfortunately to no avail. One day, in a second-hand shop, Kasumi saw a guitar. At that moment, a familiar throbbing beat in her chest. With this guitar, Kasumi decided to embark on the road of music. Hanazono Tae (voiced by Otsuka Sae), who has been aiming to become a guitarist since childhood, Ushigome Satomi (voiced by Nishimoto Rimi), who is timid but gradually finds confidence because of playing bass, Yamabuki Saya (voiced by Ohashi Ayaka), a drummer who is attentive, considerate, gentle and steady, and Ichigaya Yusaki (voiced by Ito Ayaza), a keyboard player who is closed but has a high IQ, the girls gathered together and played the music of their dreams.