Nanami Minagawa (Kuroki Hana), who works as a dispatched teacher in Tokyo, is a somewhat timid and introverted girl. Her career is not going well, but she is quite happy in love. She met Tsuruoka Tetsuya (Jiei Go), who is also a teacher, through the Internet. After the parents of both sides met, they talked about marriage. Unexpectedly, after marriage, her husband made rumors of an affair, and she was expelled from the house by her mother-in-law for derailment. Homeless Nanami had to ask her online friend Yukio Amuro (Ayano Go) for help to arrange her accommodation and work place. While pretending to be relatives and friends to attend the wedding of strangers, she witnessed the hypocrisy of modern marriage and became friends with the maverick girl Satonaka Mashiro (Cocco). Not long after, Nanami received a new job offered by Amuro, that is, to work as a maid in a villa. There, she met Mashiro again, and fate closely linked the two girls together...