Bruce Reeb (Craig Fairbrass), a British industrial tycoon, is unrivaled in wealth and popularity. He also presents himself as a philanthropist, but his series of profit-making methods have been accused by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Even at the height of this storm, he still calmly took a private plane to Paris, France to hold an important meeting. At the same time, CIA agent Paul Ross (Randy Couture) has just lost his closest friend Joe Ballard (Vinnie Jones) in an operation. When he was upset, his colleagues received a series of important intelligence. The notorious criminal organization "Tribe", which is notorious for drug trafficking, market manipulation, and terrorist actions, has set its sights on Reeb's securities company. At this time, they are planning to hijack the plane and kidnap Reeb. What worries Ross is that his girlfriend Olivia (Tiffany Dupont), who is in a cold war with him, is also on the plane. In the face of the crisis, he must find ways to stop the "Tribe" plan...