Due to family reasons, Himekoji Akito (voiced by Ryouta Oosaka) and Himekoji Akiko (voiced by Kido Ibuki), a pair of siblings who have been separated since childhood, are about to live under the same roof again. What Akito, who makes a living by writing forbidden novels, did not expect was that his sister, Akiko, who was once innocent and cute, has now become a brother-con! As expected, Akiko, who advocates that "the love between brothers and sisters is the precious pure emotion", launched a fierce attack on Akito. A group of beautiful girls gathered around Akito, which made Akiko feel like facing a great enemy. Anna Nasuhara (voiced by Minori Chihara), a tsundere girl with golden twin ponytails who always talks about H topics for no reason; Ginbei Haruomi Saruwatari (voiced by Asami Shimoda), who looks weak but is actually black-bellied; Arashi Nikaidou (voiced by Eri Kitamura), who has a hot personality but is very reliable, their existence adds fuel to the fire of Akito's already chaotic life. Qiu Ren, who always uses blood relationship to reject Qiu Zi, hides a shocking secret - there is actually no blood relationship between him and Qiu Zi.