Summer vacation is coming. Masao (played by Yusuke Sekiguchi), a third-grade elementary school student who lost his father at an early age, now lives with his grandmother. The summer vacation is particularly boring. He took out the letter sent back by his mother from other places and prepared to visit his mother in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture alone. After the neighbor aunt (played by Kashiko Kishimoto) found out, she decided to help Masao fulfill his wish. She took out a sum of money as travel expenses and arranged for her idle husband Kikujiro (played by Takeshi Kitano) to accompany Masao on the journey to find his mother. But on the first day, Kikujiro lost all the money his wife gave him, so the two had to walk to Aichi. After hitchhiking all the way and causing a lot of trouble, Kikujiro finally took Masao to his mother's house, but the little boy was very depressed. On the way back, Kikujiro tried to comfort him, and the two had a very happy time, and the summer passed.