The story takes place during the Iran-Iraq War. Shideh (Narges Rashidi), who has already married and had children, longs to return to the university campus to complete her studies. However, historical issues have completely shattered her academic dream. Her husband Iraj (Bobby Naderi) is a successful doctor. Iraj received a conscription notice not long ago, which made Shideh, who was already upset, even more anxious. After an unpleasant quarrel, the family of three said goodbye sadly. Their little daughter Dorsa (Avin Manshadi) couldn't sleep peacefully at night. Dorsa heard the horror story of the giant from her friends, which made her feel uneasy and worried about the coming of terror. The war was getting closer and closer to the door of the house. Death was threatening the lonely mother and daughter at all times, and supernatural phenomena also occurred one after another in the precarious home...