The story begins in Hollywood in the 1930s. Judy (played by Renée Zellweger) was spotted by her agent Mayer (played by Richard Cordery) because of her sweet voice at the age of 14, and she embarked on the road to stardom. However, what Judy did not know at this time was that what awaited her was more pain than fame and fortune brought by success. Decades later, Judy, who was already 40 years old, divorced her husband Sidney (played by Rufus Sewell) and raised two children, Rona (played by Bella Ramsey) and Joey (played by Lewin Lloyd), alone. The economic situation was very bad. In desperation, Judy made a decision, that is, to leave the two children to her ex-husband and go to the UK to continue her career, but Judy's health was already very bad at this time, and what was worse was that she had already lost the trust of her fans.