Junki Kurumi (Nana Komatsu), a 16-year-old high school student, has a very bright brain. Although she often wins the first place in the whole grade, she always deliberately hides her emotions for some reason. It is difficult for others to see any emotional fluctuations from her poker-like expression. Only Nami (Mizuki Yamamoto), a good friend in junior high school, can enter Junki's inner world. In the most recent midterm exam, Junki's English score was only 0 points, which made Sakurai Haruka (Tomohisa Yamashita), the head teacher, quite annoyed, so he arranged for Junki to make up lessons regardless of whether the girl was willing or not. Sakurai is handsome and confident. He is the object of admiration and love of female students, but Junki hates this arrogant guy. In order to get rid of Teacher Sakurai, she tried her best to learn English. However, when the make-up class ended unexpectedly, she finally realized that her heart had already changed quietly... This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Mikimoto Rin.