The film tells the story of Gertrude Bell (1868-1926), a historian, novelist and British intelligence agent who played a key role in establishing a new political order in the Middle East in the 1920s. As a well-educated teenager, Bell had difficulty finding a suitable partner in Britain, so she went to Tehran. In Iran, she fell in love with Henry Cadogan, a diplomat with a gambling addiction, but things did not go well, so Bell decided to give up her personal life and devote herself to exploring the surrounding areas. Before the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Bell learned languages and translated literature in the Middle East, meeting Muslim dignitaries in Cairo, Basra and Baghdad, and won the trust of leaders for her courage and respect. Seemingly destined to become a bridge between the British Empire and the Middle Eastern countries, Bell participated in the demarcation of borders between countries in the Middle East after World War I. At this time, love once again entered her life. Werner Herzog tells the legendary epic of the "Queen of the Desert" against the backdrop of the vast desert.