The story takes place in the distant ancient Roman era. Mount Vesuvius in the ancient city of Pompeii is on the verge of eruption. Soon, the entire ancient city of Pompeii will be reduced to ruins in an instant and buried forever in the annals of history. Mylo (Kit Harington) has lost his parents and family since he was a child. He was sold to a wealthy family and became a slave fighter. A noble lady named Cassia (Emily Browning) appeared in his life. Despite the disparity in status, Mylo still fell in love with her hopelessly. Unfortunately, Cassia is already engaged, and she is about to be forced to marry the corrupt and incompetent Senator Kefusi (Kiefer Sutherland). The volcano erupted, and the surviving Mylo decided to return to the city in a sea of fire for one reason only, that is to rescue his sweetheart.