On the surface, Momoko (voiced by Kyoko Higami), Lily (voiced by Yukana Nogami), Daisy (voiced by Yuko Miyamura) and Red Flower (voiced by Yuka Imai) are four lively, cute and cheerful girls, but behind the scenes, they have another identity - "Angels of Love" fighting to save the angel world. As time goes by, the once fierce battle has become a thing of the past, and the four people who have lived a peaceful life have gradually lost their memories of being "Angels of Love". During a trip, the four people who went to the seaside for vacation were accidentally attacked by monsters, and then the goddess Aphrodite (voiced by Mako Ido) appeared and restored the memories of the four people. The appearance of a mysterious ring made Prey (voiced by Kazuki Yawei) from the demon world ready to move again, and this ring is no longer elsewhere, but happens to be in Momoko's hands.