In the late 1980s, Yokomichi Senosuke (Kengo Kora), a young man born in a small port town, appeared on the streets of Tokyo with a confused look on his face. Just like his somewhat strange name, Senosuke seems to have a natural gap with the modern metropolis, but this naturally optimistic and straightforward boy quickly integrated into the new life. In the noisy campus, he first met Kuramochi (Sosuke Ikematsu) and Akutsu Yui (Aki Asakura), and briefly dated Kato Yuusuke (Gō Ayano) who had a secret. He wrote a romantic love affair with the innocent rich girl Yosano Shoko (Yuriko Yoshitaka), and seemed to have a good impression of Chiharu (Ayumu Ito) who had rich life experience. Over the years, these people occasionally stopped and thought of Senosuke who had left beautiful memories in their lives. What kind of emotions would surge in their hearts? This film is adapted from the original work of the same name by Yoshida Shuichi.