Kitahara Towako (Aoi Yu) lives with a man named Jinji (Abe Takashi). Although they live under the same roof, Towako and Jinji are not in a relationship. Towako hates Jinji's vulgarity and cowardice, and even though he is insulted and despised by Towako, Jinji is still deeply fascinated by her. Towako had a relationship that she couldn't bear to look back on. Her ex-boyfriend Kurosaki Shunichi (Takeno Uchiyu) was a complete scumbag who not only used Towako's body, but also seriously injured Towako when they broke up. By chance, Towako met a man named Mizushima Shin (Matsuzaka Tori), and between them, an unethical relationship developed between the two. However, Mizushima Shin was just greedy for Towako's body. The police found Towako and asked her about the whereabouts of the missing Kurosaki.