The film tells the story of a fierce conflict between humans and artificial intelligence in the second half of the 21st century. The heroine Yi Ni (Han Congcong) bravely completes her fate and leads the robot army to a desperate battle with the powerful Ron Group. Yi Ni is a humanoid robot born in the "2060 Incident" and the only hope to prevent the Ron Group from controlling humans. She grew up in the streets and the robot black market. In an unexpected conflict, she was arrested by the Ron Group and learned the truth about her life. It was the robots who survived the "2060 Incident" who saved her from the clutches. After that, in order to stop the Ron Group from ruling humans, Yi Ni led the robot army to fight back and started a century-long battle with the Ron Group about the fate of mankind. Yi Ni also transformed into a super-powerful "Black Phoenix" with explosive combat power.