Okazaki Yuma (voiced by Ai Kakuma) is a cute girl with a very simple personality. She is dating a boy named Takeda (voiced by Ryota Oosaka). Yuma, who knows nothing about love, is often overwhelmed by Takeda's enthusiasm, so she always discusses it with her childhood sweetheart Mizusina Hotaru (voiced by Yumi Igarashi). So Hotaru began to "love training" for Yuma. During the training, the two of them inevitably had some physical intimacy. What Yuma didn't expect was that her heart would actually be fluttering because of Hotaru's touch. Mizusina Hotaru also has a boyfriend, Fujiwara (voiced by Daisuke Ono). Although Fujiwara seems to be indifferent to everything, he is actually very sensitive. He gradually realized that his girlfriend has strange feelings for Yuma.