Xu Qingyou (played by Zhang Yuxi), an independent and straightforward career woman, has a boyfriend (played by Lin Zifeng) who has been dating for many years. When the two are about to enter the wedding hall, Xu Qingyou discovers that her boyfriend cheated on her before marriage. Faced with the collapse of years of relationship, Xu Qingyou fell into confusion. By chance, Xu Qingyou met Mo Lingze (played by Liu Xueyi), a shrewd and decisive investment banker. His quick, accurate and ruthless view of love overturned Xu Qingyou's standardized life and made her deeply trapped. On the one hand, there is strong but just the right care, and on the other hand, there is a ten-year emotional but stiff redemption. At the age of 30, should she jump out of her comfort zone, start a new life that belongs only to her, and choose a relationship that is not favored by everyone?