Mitsuko Yamada (played by Yukino Kishii) is a 28-year-old white-collar worker. At a friend's wedding, she was at a loss when she met a man named Mamoru (played by Ryo Narita). The gentle and humorous Mamoru cleverly resolved Mitsuko's embarrassment and discomfort, and captured Mitsuko's heart at once. After that, Mamoru often asked Mitsuko out for dinner and play. One day, Mitsuko stayed at Mamoru's house and the two had a relationship. Mitsuko began to live in Mamoru's house more and more frequently. Although there was no confession, the relationship between the two was like dating. Gradually, Mitsuko began to regard herself as Mamoru's girlfriend. However, for Mamoru, Mitsuko was just a pastime that came and went at will. For Mamoru, Mitsuko even quit her job, wanting to marry Mamoru and be a housewife with all her heart. Just when Mitsuko's abacus was clattering, Mamoru suddenly lost contact.