This film is the sequel to "Cats and Dogs" in 2001. The story takes place several years after the last cat-dog war. The hard-won peace is threatened again. This time the enemy is not the idiot in the previous film, but the top agent of the original cat spy organization "MEOWS", named Kitty Galore. It successfully stole the core secrets of the dog organization, and in order to retaliate against the dog organization and humans, it designed a terrifying and vicious plan to control the world! In the face of such an imminent and unprecedented deadly threat, cats and dogs are forced to choose to form an alliance as a last resort - this is the first time in the history of these two creatures. In this catastrophe created by a cat, they need to save not only themselves, but also the humans they love deeply. In order to thwart the journey of the evil plan, they must use all the biological instincts hidden in their bodies to the extreme...