In an ordinary high school, the handsome boy Terasaka Rita (played by Yamazaki Kento) who is not good at communicating with others is very popular with girls. However, in the eyes of the girl Matsuzaki Hatori (played by Kiritani Mirei) who loves fantasy, those girls are just like small fish. In elementary school, Rita was bullied because his mother eloped with someone. At this time, Hatori helped him and the two became friends. The confident Hatori believed that he and Rita were a destined pair. Who would have thought that the fairy-tale love story would unfold in an unexpected direction. Adachi Miho (played by Agatsuma Miwako), a girl in the same class who was not good-looking, was bullied. Rita came forward to help her, and the two became boyfriend and girlfriend. Seeing that she had fallen from the heroine to a small fish supporting role, Hatori's heart underwent an unprecedented fission... This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Momoko Koda.