Cai Weijie (played by Aniu), a Fujian-born engineer who came to Singapore from Malaysia, and his fiancée Zhixin (played by Jiang Ruolin), a Cantonese-born Singaporean from a wealthy family, suffered from the cultural background and the gap between the rich and poor families. The prospective father-in-law made harsh wedding requirements for his prospective son-in-law. Weijie did not dare to disobey the order and agreed to hold a luxurious wedding in Singapore. On the wedding day, all the red envelopes prepared by Weijie disappeared. He even thought of going to the casino to try his luck, but he lost everything. In order to cover up his mistakes, he used lies to cover up lies, and the lies were out of control. Zhixin discovered her husband's abnormality and she was very angry. Weijie's father, Ashi (played by Chen Jianbin), quarreled with his son over the wedding planning. The old man was so angry that he returned to the hotel. Unexpectedly, he encountered an accident on the way. Weijie's mood fell from the heyday to the abyss...