This is a comedy martial arts film written, directed and acted by international superstar Jackie Chan! In the past seven years, the Zhengfeng Martial Arts School has won the Golden Lion at the Lion Race. This year, the Lion Race has set up a very difficult competition, which will be held between the Zhengfeng Martial Arts School and the Weiyi Martial Arts School. Before the competition, the eldest brother of the Zhengfeng Martial Arts School fell and injured his leg, and could not compete. Zhengfeng Martial Arts School then sent A Long to dance the lion head. Wei and A Long saw that the lion head dancer of the Weiyi Martial Arts School was actually the eldest brother who pretended to be injured to avoid the competition. The two of them fought for it - in the end, the eldest brother won the golden lion. Although A Long was laughed at by his fellow apprentices, he and the eldest brother have been dependent on each other since childhood and have a brotherly relationship. A Long knows that the eldest brother is a gambler and owes a lot of money, so he is in urgent need of money and has to resort to this last resort.