A hundred years have passed since the Demon King was defeated by Yoshihiko (Takayuki Yamada), Danjo (Shin Takashi), Melebu (Tsuyoshi Muro) and Azi (Haruka Kinami). The former brave men have already turned into bones. In order to commemorate their feats, the villagers specially repaired a luxurious mausoleum for them. The good times did not last long. The seal of the Demon King was unlocked again, and the world was about to face the crisis of destruction. However, there was no brave man in the village who could stand up to eliminate harm for the people. In desperation, the Buddha (Jiro Sato) had to resurrect the four brave men and order them to embark on an adventurous journey again. It is a pleasure to meet friends, but can they take on this arduous task when their levels have already returned to zero? In order to defeat the Demon King, Yoshihiko and his party must find the legendary key to the evil spirit, but following the ambiguous guidance of the Buddha, they seem to be getting farther and farther away from the truth. Time is getting tight. Is this really okay? Come on, Yoshihiko!