Erdan (played by Huo Jianhua), a young man who aspires to become a writer, spent three years writing the legendary story of Shi Kejin, a knight in the Tang Dynasty. However, he was ridiculed and attacked by the president of the publishing house. On the night of the meteor shower, which only occurs once every 1,000 years, the lost Erdan was relieving his depression in the park. Suddenly, the ancestral jade pendant on his chest suddenly appeared, bringing him back to the Mid-Autumn Night of the Tenth Year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago. By chance, Erdan became the savior of Shi Kejin (played by Guo Pinchao) in the Tang Dynasty, and was able to live in the Shi family of Fanyang Palace, and fell in love with Shi Kejin's younger sister Lingzhi (played by Jing Tian) at first sight. Shi Kejin's son Shi Keyan was jealous of Shi Kejin's wealth and people, and sent the killer Yang Ao (played by Sun Hao) to assassinate his brother. At the critical moment, Erdan used the jade pendant again to bring the Shi brothers and sisters back to the modern era. Yang Ao also came to 2012 with his own jade pendant. Erdan and three ancient people with special skills triggered a series of adventures, and a conspiracy gradually surfaced...