The film is the prequel of "Death Race" in 2008. In the post-industrial era, various large private city prisons were built, and the most notorious of them was the "Death Island" prison. Carl (Luke Goss), who was known as the "cop killer", was taken here to receive a life sentence. During the reign of Jones (Lauren Cohan), a female warden who was determined to make a name for herself in the field of television, the government handed over the operation of the prison to Azure Company. In Azure's eyes, the prison cell is also profitable under the new era of business operation system. For them, these prisoners are perfect players in real-life life-threatening sports competitions. Broadcasting their killing scenes will definitely be very popular. The carefully designed competition event of Azure Company is "Death Race". Carl became a racing driver. For freedom, he did not hesitate to fight with many prison personnel and fought for freedom, but he did not know that he was on a legendary road.