The story begins on the fictional "Dongji Island", the easternmost island of China. Hu Sheng (played by Gao Huayang), a young man with low intelligence, tells the story of his two buddies, Ma Haohan (played by Feng Shaofeng) and Jiang He (played by Chen Bolin). After years of wandering outside, Haohan returned to his hometown, only to find that the whole island was facing demolition problems, and his best friend, Jiang He, the only teacher on the island, would also be transferred to a more remote area. So Haohan made a decision to drive Jiang He to the school more than 3,000 kilometers away to report. The three brothers embarked on an unprecedented journey. On the way, they met Zhou Mo (played by Chen Qiaoen), a childhood playmate who was an extra, Su Mi (played by Wang Luodan), who had gone astray, and Liu Yingying (played by Yuan Quan), a pen pal that Haohan had never met for many years, and the unruly motorcyclist A Lu (played by Zhong Hanliang). The seemingly ordinary journey is hidden with foreshadowing. Haohan and Jiang He finally reached the end and began a completely different life trajectory. This film is the directorial debut of the famous writer and racing driver Han Han.